Management Aptitude Test famously known as MAT Exam is one of the most popular National level MBA entrance exams in India after CAT. More than 600 MBA/PGDM Colleges accept MAT exam Scores for Admission 2022. In its notification AIMA has cleared that there are 600+ Participating B-Schools who use MAT score. This contains the 330+ MBA colleges in Maharashtra who offer PGDM and MBA/MMS programmes.


This detailed article will give you complete information about MAT testing modes, Options available for you to apply for different types of MAT exam, Syllabus, Exam dates, How to Prepare for MAT, College Accepting MAT and a lot more. So, read this article carefully before you apply for the exam. 


September MAT Exam 2022: Testing Modes & important Difference

AIMA is organising September MAT 2022 in three testing modes as under:

1. Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (IBT): You can appear in IBT from your a remote location

2. Paper Based Test (PBT): Paper Pen based test which is conducted offline at a centre

3. Computer Based Test (CBT): Online computer based exam which is conducted online at a centre.

February MAT Exam 2021: Test Taking Options-

You can appear for one or more than one type of Feb MAT Exams in different modes. Following combinations are offered by AIMA to appear in different testing methods:


1. IBT MAT Testing Options

One Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (MAT IBT) or

Two Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (MAT IBT) 

2. IBT+PBT MAT Testing Options

Paper Based Test (PBT) or

Paper Based Test and MAT Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (PBT + IBT) 

3. CBT+IBT MAT Testing Options

Computer Based Test (CBT) or

Computer Based Test and Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (CBT+IBT) 

4. CBT + PBT MAT Testing Options

Paper Based Test and Computer Based Test (PBT+CBT) 

IBT, CBT or PBT Mode of MAT Exam 2022? Which is better?

MBA Exam experts and past MAT toppers advise the candidates to opt for IBT Mode due to the uncertainty in Paper based and computer based exams. In the current situation, IBT from their home is the best choice after complying with the AIMA norms. The difficulty level in IBT exam is similar to other methods of exam.


How to Choose the Best MAT Exam Mode?

Making a selection among IBT, Paper Based and Computer Based tests depends upon various factors - your choice, Computer based or Paper based exam solving skills among others. 


If you have good knowledge about how to take and appear in computer based tests, navigation tools, scrolling of questions, choosing the answers and marking them and find that test taking is easier in computer based test, you could go for IBT mode.


If you are in a remote area, have a bad internet connection, are not well conversed with computers, internet technology, have confusion in navigation tools, it is better to go for paper based exam. 


Easy MBA Entrance Exam of 150 Minutes

MAT is an easier exam when compared to other MBA entrance exams like CAT, XAT, CMAT and others. The duration of the exam is 2½ hours. It has 200 objective type questions in MCQs form and the Question difficulty level is easy to moderate. The test paper is divided in 5 sections with 40 questions in each section. The sections are Language Comprehension, Mathematical skills, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Indian and Global Environment. 

MAT 2022 September Registration Fee for 1 or More than 1 exams

Candidate can choose 2 MAT IBT/PBT+IBT/CBT+IBT/PBT+CBT tests by paying an extra fees of Rs.1100/- in addition to Rs.1650/-.

Candidates choosing 2 MAT IBTs/PBT+IBT/CBT+IBT/PBT+CBT will have the benefit of selecting additional 2 Management Institutes for sending their scores in addition to existing option of selecting 5 Management Institutes i.e. they can choose 7 Management Institutes in total. 

Candidates can register online with Credit Card/Debit Card (ATM Card), Net Banking, UPI and Paytm wallet. The fees details are as follows:

One Exam

For Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (IBT)

or Paper Based Test (PBT)

or Computer Based Test (CBT) Rs. 1650/-

Two Exams

For Double Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (IBT)



For PBT+CBT Rs. 2750/- 

You can download September 2022 exam admit card from AIMA MAT website till the day of the exam. MAT 2021 February Exam is going to be held in IBT, PBT as well as CBT Mode. February 2022 Internet Based Mode (IBT) Mode exam can be appeared for from the comfort of your home while PBT and CBT exams can be taken at designated test centres. Complete exam schedule for February exam has been announced.  


Regarding conduct of CBT and PBT exams in February, AIMA has declared, "Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, conduct of MAT Feb 2022 in CBT or PBT mode is subject to prevailing situation and applicable government guidelines. In case the test cannot be organised on the scheduled test at any of the centres, the registration of those candidates will be automatically carried forward to upcoming MAT to be scheduled in May 2021 or later."


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, AIMA has added one more testing method - Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (IBT) apart from paper based and Computer based exams which are held at test centres.  A MAT 2021 exam offers good chances to explore MBA admission 2022. 


While February 2022 Internet Based Mode (IBT) Mode exam will be held in longer testing window, the PBT and CBT exams will be held in a single day on different dates. The last dates for MAT Registration vary for each IBT exam, while for CBT and for PBT exams the last date to apply will close a few days before the exam date.

MAT 2022 IBT: Important Guidelines and Benefits

MAT exam in the IBT mode is the new kind of MAT from your home exam. You can choose for 2 IBT 2022 September tests by paying extra fees of Rs.1100/- along with Rs.1650/- for one test.

If you are choosing for one IBT MAT 2020, you can select 5 management institutes where your scores will be sent for free for admission

If you are choosing for 2 IBT MAT 2020 exams, you will have the benefit of choosing additional 2 Management Institutes for sending your scores in addition to existing option of selecting 5 Management Institutes. It means you can choose 7 Management Institutes in total

The IBT exam is held in morning and evening time slots on each exam date. There is provision to appear in one IBT mode exam or two IBT Mode MAT exams with extra registration fee of Rs.1100/-.


MAT IBT 2022, PBT & CBT: Registration is available 

IBT 2022 exam is open for new registrations. PBT and CBT exam mode is available on AIMA MAT website. 

The dates for Septemebr 2022 Registrations will remain open till a few days before the each IBT exam date. Read below all the key details about IBT Exam, CBT and PBT exams

To avoid any wrong incident due to Covid-19 pandemic, AIMA has released Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (MAT IBT) 2022 exam, apart from the regular Computer Based and Paper based exams. Candidates can take the IBT mode exam from the convenience of their home instead of going to an exam centre while CBT and PBT remain centre based exams.


AIMA MAT September 2022 Internet Based Mode (IBT) Mode: Test Schedule

AIMA has released the complete schedule for the Feb IBT exam in following format:


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